Brussels: Darts-ip

Name of the STEP traineeship provider
Darts-ip Caselaw
Traineeship code
Description of the STEP traineeship provider
Darts-ip provides the largest and only global databases dedicated to Intellectual Property cases. Cases are gathered from all around the world in four domains of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, design and models, and domain names. They collect and analyse documents related to this specific field of law.
Type of the STEP traineeship provider
Legal database
Traineeship tasks
The trainee will analyse IP caselaw in the required language and help developing the related databases on trademarks, patents, designs, domain names, copyright and unfair competition.
Organising ELSA Group
ELSA Belgium
Place of the traineeship
Brussels, Belgium
Earliest start date
Latest end date
3 months
EUR 380 per week (of 38 hours)
Required Study Level
Graduate Master
Language skills required
English - fluent
AND Turkish - fluent
OR Hebrew - fluent
OR Italian- fluent
OR Portuguese- fluent
OR Czech - fluent
OR Swedish - fluent
OR Norwegian - fluent
OR Danish - fluent
OR French - fluent
OR Dutch - fluent
OR German - fluent
OR Polish - fluent
OR Maltese - fluent
OR Bulgarian - fluent
OR Romanian - fluent
OR Latvian - fluent
OR Lithuanian - fluent
OR Estonian - fluent
OR Slovenian - fluent
OR Croatian - fluent
OR Greek- fluent
Number of trainees
Additional Information
A background in IP law is required (Master in IP law).
Advanced analytical skills are required.
Proactivity is an important quality as this work requires a certain degree of independence.
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