Brussels: European Digital Rights

Name of the STEP traineeship provider
European Digital Rights
Traineeship code
Description of the STEP traineeship provider
Information technology has a revolutionary impact on our society. It has boosted freedom of communication and democracy but has also led to new approaches to surveillance and is increasingly used to impose restrictions on fundamental rights. Our role is to ensure that citizens' rights and freedoms in the online environment are respected whenever they are endangered by the actions of political bodies or private organisations. Freedom, transparency and the rule of law are therefore our core priorities.
Type of the STEP traineeship provider
Traineeship tasks
Key tasks:
- Research and analysis on a range of policy topics, such as surveillance and law enforcement, intermediary liability and freedom of
expression, net neutrality, trade agreements, etc.;
- Monitoring international, EU and national related policy developments;
- Organising and participating in meetings and events;
- Assisting with writing the EDRi gram newsletter.
Organising ELSA Group
ELSA International
Place of the traineeship
Brussels, Belgium
Earliest start date
Latest end date
5 months
EUR 750 per month
Required Study Level
Graduate Master
Language skills required
English - fluent
French - good or basic
Number of trainees
Additional Information
Strong interest on digital rights and human rights in general.
General or advanced knowledge of how EU legislation processes work and how to do advocacy work to influence legislative to be aligned with human rights frameworks would be an asset.
Some experience witking with GNU/Linux Operative Systems and security measures (encryption, safe browsing...) would be welcome but not essential.
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