Lublin: The Rule of Law Institute

Name of the STEP traineeship provider
The Rule of Law Institute
Traineeship code
TN - PL/17
Description of the STEP traineeship provider
The Rule of Law Institute's Mission is to promote the development of the rule of law in Poland, and through
Poland's example in other transitional countries. The rule of law is a cornerstone of the development of a
society based on respect for individuals, protection of human rights and a free and democratic society.
The Foundation seeks to strengthen the rule of law through training; public awareness campaigns;
provision of technical assistance; development and implementation of innovative programs and
undertaking active partnership with legal professionals, non-governmental organizations.
Type of the STEP traineeship provider
Traineeship tasks
I: Orientation
II: Research on EU migration and asylum regulations, Training on the refugee law with refugee program lawyers
III: Preparation of an article to the Migration newsletter
The remaining tasks will include supporting Institute lawyers in collecting information concerning countries of origin
of refugees and contributing to the institutional development of the Institute.
Organising ELSA Group
ELSA Lublin
Place of the traineeship
Lublin, Poland
Earliest start date
Latest end date
4 weeks
200 EUR / month
Required Study Level
Language skills required
English - fluent
Number of trainees
Additional Information
The placement of the student will be monitored by the Foundation Board. It will be evaluated at the end of the stay
in the host Institution.
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